Part Of My Backyard Garden

Part Of My Backyard Garden
July 25, 2013

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Garden is Producing

Garden is looking great.

I think the hot weather we are finally getting is helping. Gardening in Wyoming can be a challenge but the rewards are worth the effort. As I write this the temperature is 100 degrees and the humidity is too low, under 10 % to measure. Takes a little extra water to keep the humidity up during these hot days to keep the veggies growing nicely.
Happy Gardening - I hope the warm weather stays for a while, but not too hot!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Garden is Growing and Looking Good

Some people believe that gardening in Wyoming is too difficult. You know the, too dry, too windy, too little rain, too much rain, too much of too many bad things. But all the gardens in our neighbor- hood look very nice. Here is ours on this fine July day.
Flowers looking good also