Part Of My Backyard Garden

Part Of My Backyard Garden
July 25, 2013

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Old Time Flower

Although they are a bit short lived, nothing beats the sheer beauty of the old fashioned Iris.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Help in the Garden

I have a new helper - here he/she is trimming back my hollyhocks.

Seems to be woking out pretty well, doesn't expect any pay and makes the garden more fun. Not sure when it grows up, right not looks to be a pound or two, and can't eat very much.
Here - a bit of a trim in the berry patch 

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Garden Set Back

Might be a few days before I can do some more planting. We had nearly two inches of rain followed by a foot of snow.
Back Deck
But, here in Wyoming, we are not complaining, we needed it.

I may be out of the garden and off the golf course for a day or two, but this will help.
Peas up and growing - 6-8 inches high in this photo. Don't they look wonderful?
Bluebird loving the snow
Wonderful moisture and I have only run the sprinkler system two times so far this spring.
Onions, looking good, but a might chilled. These are in rows, don't look like it here