Part Of My Backyard Garden

Part Of My Backyard Garden
July 25, 2013

Monday, December 22, 2008


Seems to me it’s starting to be all about the retailers and the economy this year. I sincerely hope Christmas is not becoming just another holiday to get people to spend money—we already have enough of those. Is it just me or are we starting to lose the meaning of Christmas? Growing up I loved Santa Clause and hanging the Christmas stockings and decorating the tree and could hardly wait for Christmas morning. It is one of two great Christian holiday’s world wide but now we mostly hear moaning and groaning about it not helping the economy enough.
As for me, I can’t wait, some of our kids and grandkids will be here and we will open presents and enjoy the day. And for at least one day I will not worry, not at all, about the economy.

1 comment:

garnett109 said...

Peace To All
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!