Part Of My Backyard Garden

Part Of My Backyard Garden
July 25, 2013

Friday, June 27, 2008

Seasons of the Year--An award winning Poem

         -Wyoming Seasons-


Summer* is the season of warmth

 Well—over seventy at least

 And Mosquitoes   (I hate those little creeps)


Fall* is the season of falling leaves

 If we had trees

And huntin’ season   (Guns, Pick-up Trucks and Campers—Yee-Ha)


Winter* is cheerful with the first snow fall

And then it keeps snowing

 And snowing and snowing (Shoveling snow makes me want to move to Arizona and join the other old really old people in the sun)


Spring* is welcomed with open arms

 It usually comes on a Tuesday in the middle of June

 And is followed by summer the next day (This year we only had a few feet of snow in April and May)



·    Red- The color of summer and the spot on your arm after smashing another Mosquito.

·        Brown- The color of fall and the spots on your arm as the scabs heal.

·        Yellow- Winter and the color of snow that Wyoming people do not eat.

*    Green- The color of spring and the money you will shell out for flowers that will freeze in your yard.


© NA Waring 2008


-It’s Mosquito season—again-

It lasted only a few days, the same days we had relatives visiting from all over the U.S heartland here to enjoy fine Wyoming weather. Seems like Mosquito season always comes at the worst of times, as if there is a good season for Mosquito’s.

        Mosquitoes carried off two children, a dog, although not a large one and three steaks from the grill. Seems like nothing can control them, we sprayed, lit the famous Mosquito candles and burned the Kerosene Tiki torches. Not sure, but I do not believe Tiki torches are native Wyoming insect fighting apparatus.

        We played golf and were assaulted by Mosquito’s the size of sparrows—we sprayed down with OFF then couldn’t smell, see or hold on to a club. Reminded me to close my eyes before spraying my face with repellant. A few years ago I tried the famous ‘Skin So Soft’ to repel what needed repelled, didn’t work but my skin was softer and the Mosquito’s didn’t have to work so hard to hand me West Nile. I never really believed we had the West Nile virus here in Wyoming, I think instead it might be the North Platte virus or the Laramie river virus—West Nile is too far away, Egypt or somewhere in Africa. Wait a minute; I believe Egypt is in Africa. Doesn’t matter, it’s still a government conspiracy they turn the mosquitoes lose on us so we forget about inflation, high gas prices and the fact that Coca Cola has never been the same since they tried the experiment.

        Now the city is Arial spraying—good luck. I believe that the little bugs enjoy Malathion seems like every spraying they get bigger. If Malathion is watered down too much, usually with diesel fuel in a fogger the little buggers build up a tolerance to it and only get bigger, tougher and better looking.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Stuff from Here and There

Schools out in most of America by now, summer is here, for sure, this time. Here in Laramie Wyoming we had a high of 45 today with about five hours of rain, not very summer like. So cold here last night my strawberries froze, I picked a few stuck a toothpick in them and gave them away as popsicles. When I got up this morning I couldn’t decide if I wanted to scoop the driveway or mow the lawn. Never decided so I took a nap.


I am waiting for a call from Barrack Obama and fully expect to be asked to be his VP. Probably will break his heart when I turn him down so he will never tell anyone he asked. Too bad I could be famous, oh I forgot, I already am famous. Someone asked me for my autograph just yesterday so fame is part of who I am. After I signed they kept a copy and gave me a copy and I owe them $61.22 for a tank of gas.


Been watching some of the NBA and NHL play-offs but not sure if my heart can take the excitement, turned to the golf channel and took a nap.