Part Of My Backyard Garden

Part Of My Backyard Garden
July 25, 2013

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Garden and the Storm

Wow - thought my gardens might be goners tonight when a big storm rolled in.

But all is well, no damage but we did get .40 of rain in a short period of time and are still in a watch until midnight. I turned off the sprinkler system for tomorrow, it's mowing day anyway.
My little woodlands gardens in front took a little hit from the wind but look fine now. When I took this photo I noticed a very nice Guernsey Wyoming, post storm, sunset.
And in one final note, I have two tomatoes (Better Boy's) turning color. The goal is my first tomato before July 1, looks like I have a week left. We seldom eat bacon, but when that first tomato ripens it will be BLTs with lettuce from the garden and homemade French bread. Can't hardly wait

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Garden Update

The garden is up and growing, doing quite well despite the cool nighttime temperatures here in Wyoming. The weather guys said, hot next week, several days in the mid-90s but when I checked again today, it says mid-70s. Darn the luck!
We are eating radishes and green onions from the garden, with the first tomato and strawberries about three weeks away, maybe two, with some good growing weather.

I have discussed my onion planting on my blogs before but it might be well worth another look. I plant onions one to one and a half inches apart, yep, one or a tad more inches. I thin by pulling to eat the green onions, eventually ending with onions having enough room to grow into large storage onions. I plant mostly sweet varieties and have found that they store better than many people think.

We are fast approaching my favorite time of year – fresh stuff from the garden time!