Looks like we have an early Easter this year, my calendar has it scheduled for March 23ed. March 23ed is that right—haven’t even bought my Easter bonnet yet.
Thinking about Easter because yesterday was Ash Wednesday and Easter cannot be far behind. Easter usually means spring but this cold weather makes it look like a long time coming.
I have been told, by weak sources, that congress would like to move Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and Easter to set days—too hard to figure which days to go to work and which days to stay home. Their proposal moves both Ash Wednesday and Good Friday to Monday’s so that congress can have a few more holidays. Easter would be left on Sunday but the Monday after Easter would be called Easter Bunny Day and a national holiday. Easter Bunny day would be a traditional holiday complete with roasted rabbit, chocolate moose and a fine carrot salad, fireworks optional.
Speaking of congress—how about that budget, so many zeroes I am not sure of the number. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Their checkbook is never ending. I have a way to save our governmental budget crisis—Hey Congress, spend only what you take in, no more. That’s how we common American types do it.
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